South Central Hockey Limited is responsible for delivering all aspects of hockey across the South Central Area - from Masters to Juniors and everything in between. It is one of the 8 Areas, formed as part of England Hockey’s structure changes in 2022, responsible for making hockey happen across the country.
If you’d like to be part of the team making hockey happen in the area, enabling many hundreds of people to participate in a rewarding and inclusive sport, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact the relevant committee chair to express your interest and a Director or member of the relevant committee will get back to you.
Here’s a summary of the roles and committees that govern South Central Hockey and how to get involved.
South Central Area Committees
The Board of Directors have oversight of all activities:
The key functions of the Area are performed by 5 Committees that report to the Board:
- Adult Leagues & Competitions
- Junior Leagues & Competitions
- Masters
- Discipline
- Officiating
Each committee has a range of time and skill requirements as well as some flexibility in approach depending on the time you can give. Please be aware that the exact roles and the number of volunteers needed within the South Central Area is still evolving so, even if there isn’t an exact fit for your interests and skills but you think you have something to offer, please get in touch. You can contact the relevant committee chair to express your interest.
Currently, all positions are filled but we are required by our constitution to be re-elected each season. We are now actively seeking expressions of interest in all the roles within South Central Hockey. so if you are interested in helping to run the area please contact us.
Stephen Smyth
Operations Director
Divisional Secretaries
Are you looking for a new challenge in your hockey career?
The South Central Area League Management Committee (ALMC) is recruiting for several new Divisional Secretaries to join the current committee.
Experience is not necessary – All we require is enthusiasm for the sport and to be relatively well organised.
The primary activities of the Divisional Secretary are as follows:
- Management of a small number of Men’s or Women’s divisions within the South Central region (max 5 divisions)
- Ensuring Fixtures, Teamsheet and Timeline details are updated on GMS on time in accordance with the regulations by all clubs and Team captains for your division(s)
- Attend monthly committee meetings (currently via Zoom) with all other Divisional Secretaries within the South Central ALMC to discuss progress throughout the season.
- Communication of information from ALMC to all teams within your Division.
If you would like more information. Please contact ALMC Chairman. Richard Wood