South Central Hockey SXP Instructions


Selection Exemption Pass Instructions

A Selection Exemption Pass must be completed in advance of the expectation of a player needing to be exempt from the Fair Selection Regulations for a designated period.  Section 8 and Appendix 4 of the Adult League Regulations must be consulted prior to completion of the form, and if necessary, advice sought from the relevant Divisional Secretary.  The SXP must be submitted 72 hours before the start time (as recorded in GMS) of the first (or only) game for which the exemption will apply. Missing this timeline, or an incorrect naming convention, will be an immediate rejection of the request.

The file is to be saved in the following naming convention, for clarity, prior to submission:

YYYYMMDD SXP Club name – Player Name

e.g.  20240927 SXP Newcastle HC – Jo Bloggs

The completed form is to be sent to

It's important to understand that all SXPs are subject to approval by the ALMC, and approval is not to be assumed. The exemption is only in place when the form is returned with approval from the ALMC. Retrospective SXPs will only be issued in very exceptional circumstances, with the explicit approval of the ALMC.

The South-Central SXP form can be downloaded from this page on the right-hand side menu bar.