• Community

Are you a young umpire in South Central?

What is a Young Umpire?

We consider anyone aged 23 or under in the current season as a ‘Young’ Umpire. You do not have to have achieved your Level 1 Assessed qualification in order to work with us, but you may have taken the course or be working towards your Level 1.

What can we offer?

South Central has a team of high-quality umpire developers, who can give you the support you need to succeed in umpiring: whether you want to umpire for your club, or have dreams of the international stage, we can support you!

Sounds Great! How do I get involved?

Drop us an email:


We have loads of great events planned, so watch this space, and ask your Club Umpire Developer to watch out for our emails with information about events. You can also check out South Central’s Facebook page for the latest information.

Download the flyer

The flyer to circulate with your club colleagues can be downloaded here.