• Community

South Central AGM 2024

The South Central Ltd AGM will take place on Thursday 18th July, 2024, starting at 19.30. The AGM will be a virtual AGM, over Teams.

The agenda for the AGM will include:

  • Apologies for absence
  • Approve minutes of AGM held on 20th July 2023
  • To receive the Chairs report
  • To receive the Finance Director report, accounts and audit report
  • To propose Membership Subscription Fees and entry fees for Competitions and Leagues for season 2024-2025
  • Election of Directors and PostholdersTo transact any other business of the AGM (of which due notice of 14 days has been given by written notice of the issue to operations@southcentral.hockey )

Please register your intention to attend here: Registration

If you wish to nominate someone to stand in as your proxy please complete the form here: Proxy

We require a proposer & seconder for several roles: Form here

A link to the AGM will be sent to all who complete the forms on Monday 15th July 2024.

Stephen Smyth

Operations Director

South Central Hockey Ltd