- Competitions & Events
State Schools Tournament Tuesday 18th March

On a Sunny but cold March day in Reading the State Schools Tournament organised and run by South Central Hockey took place.
Chair of the Junior Committee Kate Porter and League Organiser Allan Donaldson were the prime organisers who with the support of Chair of Officiating Simon Milford garnered 15 umpires and a further 10 helpers to run a hugely successful tournament.
Speaking to the teachers who brought their school children the 10 am start they confirmed their support for the tournament and willingness to come again in future years. For some, the reason for this was the wider geographic competition (Northern area schools were playing Southern area schools). For others, it was to help encourage their schoolchildren to play the game (a number had only picked up a hockey stick 3 weeks ago).
The tournament was set up in 2 tiers. Tier 1 matches were 7 a side including a goalkeeper. Tier 2 matches were 6 a side and no goalkeeper. This allowed schools to take part who may not have the kit required for goalkeepers. This gave opportunities the State schools who do not currently have hockey on their curriculum but may be affiliated to a local club.
Special mention must be made to the Isle of Wight Schools who came by minibuses via the ferry to get to Reading and must have set off very early from home to arrive for the 10am start.
In all over 400 children were there on the day and thanks go to Reading Hockey Club and Sonning Hockey Club for hosting the tournament
Boys Tier 1 Cup final
John Hampden School (Bucks) 1 v Royal Grammar School (Bucks) 0
Boys Tier 1 Plate final
Romsey School (Hants) 3 v Bohunt School (Hants) 4
Boys Tier 2 Cup Final
Petersfield School (Hants) 3 v Bay House School (Hants) 1
Boys Tier 2 Plate final
Maiden Erlegh School (Berks) 0 v Wood Green School ( Oxon) 1
Girls Tier 1 Cup final
Gillotts School (Oxon) 2 v Sir William Borlase School (Bucks) 0
Girls Tier 1 Plate final
Ringwood School (Hants) 2 v Eggars school (Hants) 0
Girls Tier 2 Cup Final
Willink School (Berks) 1 v Bay House (Hants) 0
Girls Tier 2 Plate final
Maiden Erlegh (Berks) 2 v Charters (Berks) 1