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Umpire Development Day

**Open to all South Central umpires - whether you take appointments or umpire club games only**
South Central Umpire Development team are holding a second Umpire Development Day very soon:
Sunday 16th February
Sonning HC
As with the previous day at Fareham in the first half of the season, we are delighted that Keely Dunn (of FH Umpires fame) will be running a session for us all around Interior Positioning (otherwise known as Mission Critical Positioning or MCP).
We will start in the clubhouse with a briefing on what it's all about, followed by pitch time with a mixed game being played. There will be an opportunity for you to practice MCP with Keely and other members of the Development Team available to help you learn, refine and enjoy the benefits of the most efficient and effective way to umpire hockey. After the game, we will return to the clubhouse for a bite to eat and a debrief from Keely.
There's no pressure to give it a go, but if you want to participate, please bring your kit!
If you've been struggling to implement MCP, want to check what you're doing is right, or have only heard of it and want to practice in a safe environment with expert guidance on hand, this is your chance :)
We're hoping that because of the more northerly venue, many of you unable to make Fareham because of the distance, will be able to make this one. As before, you will be told on the day how to claim your mileage too (all umpires there on the day will be eligible, whether you get pitch time or not).
We need you to register your attendance as soon as possible so we can sort out catering for the day - please complete the form here on umpiredev.co.uk and we look forward to seeing you there.