- Community
Your Hockey Club

South Central Hockey is wishing to help your club promote its stories and match day activities.
You may have seen on our social channels that an arrangement has been made with Basingstoke Hockey to publish their stories.
This facility is available to all and we urge you to take advantage of this.
To do this please write your story and add up to 10 pictures. Tell us what happened, who was involved, where and when it happened.
Please try and keep your submission factual and include plenty of detail.
- Submit up to 10 high-resolution photographs.
- Description of your news item or event.
- Please be as specific as possible about your news. Tell us about the effect it's had on your club's or league's members and the wider hockey community.
- If relevant please supply a quote from a representative of your club or league, eg coach, player, administrator - to add personality to your news story. Don't forget to add a name to the quote and that person's job title.
- Add your club's website or main social media channel so that readers can find out more information.
When complete, please send to: operations@southcentral.hockey.