If you have any questions about Officiating in South Central please contact one of the South Central Hockey Officiating Committee members below.
Chair | Simon Milford | Chair.officiating@southcentral.hockey |
Vice Chair | Hatty Wood | ViceChair.officiating@southcentral.hockey |
TAP Lead | David Rigby | LeadTAP.officiating@southcentral.hockey |
Lead Appointer | Allan Notman | LeadAppointer.officiating@southcentral.hockey |
Lead Developer | Ginette Tessier | Leaddeveloper.officiating@southcentral.hockey |
Club Liaison | Rowena Shepherd | Leadclubliaison.officiating@southcentral.hockey |
Young Umpires | Sophie Parker | LeadYoungUmpires.officiating@southcentral.hockey |
Indoor Appointer | Graeme Cooke | graeme.whc@live.com |
Level 1 Manager | Hatty Wood | hattywood@icloud.com |
Discipline | Alan Dow | discipline@southcentral.hockey |